April 06, 2008

An Agenda For Action

To Address

Socio-economic Disadvantage Of Malaysian Indians


MIC will work through the BN government to ensure there are clear provisions, programmes and targets established within the next five years.
The aspects covered here are a comprehensive set of measures specifically addressing the concerns of the bottom 30% of the Indian community.


MIC recognizes that there are many unresolved socio economic grievances among a section of Indians in Malaysia. This section has been identified as the bottom 30 per cent who are low income families and who are living in urban poor neighborhoods.
A majority were plantation workers who migrated to urban areas in search of employment due to their displacement from plantation economy.
MIC acknowledges that a more targeted and comprehensive social development approach must be adopted as a national agenda by the Federal and State governments alongside with Malays and Chinese urban poor and low income families to undo this disadvantageous position.
MIC will provide effective leadership and be a strong voice within government to ensure Malaysian Indians are able to access the services and provisions of the government


MIC elected representatives in Federal and State government will ensure that the relevant government agencies and departments are more inclusive and provide access into the various social, educational and economic development programmes.
MIC will make effective representation in the Mid Term Review of the Ninth Malaysia Plan before it is tabled in Parliament on June 24, 2008 ensuring there are specific inclusions for the Indian community alongside with other low income and disadvantaged families and communities.
MIC established and funded institutions such as Maju Institute for Educational Development (MIED), AIMST University, TAFE College, Yayasan Pemulihan Sosial and Yayasan Strategik Sosial (YSS) will complement public sector provisions in addressing educational, economic, social and welfare needs of the Indian community.
MIC will foster a strong network and partnership between business, social, cultural and religious voluntary organizations in addressing community concerns and issues.



  • To establish an effective monitoring system to ensure that the services and programmes promised by the Government are effectively implemented by the relevant agencies.
  • To organise regular dialogue sessions with relevant community organisations in gathering feedback and to disseminate progress reports.


  • To assist the Government in establishing Temple Coordination Councils at the State and Federal level to facilitate construction, consolidation and relocation of Hindu temples.
  • To hold regular dialogues with Hindu religious leaders and relevant government agencies on issues and concerns pertaining to religious freedom and practices.


  • To create a network of Indian based social and religious organisations to identify dysfunctional families and work closely with them through funds secured by the Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development.
  • To identify young people with anti social/high risk behaviour and organise social intervention programmes funded by the Ministry of Youth & Sports.
  • To strengthen the family institution through pre-marriage and marriage enrichment programmes funded by the National Population and Family Development Board.
  • To facilitate inter racial harmony and community networking at the neighbourhood level through the Department of National Unity and Integration.


  • To ensure equity participation in the share market through the establishment of special measures to attain the three per cent equity participation by 2020
  • To provide entrepreneurship training for 5,000 micro business enterprises and ensure that the businesses are sustainable.
  • To provide access to 5,000 micro entrepreneurs business loans between RM10,000 to RM20,000.
  • To secure business licenses and permits including taxis, buses and petrol stations

Increased Opportunities In Civil Service

  • To work closely with the Public Service Commission, Police Commission, Education Commission, government linked companies and institutions by gathering and disseminating information on vacancies and promotional opportunities.
  • To establish a depository and directory of all applications made for civil service and monitor if they have been successful in their applications.
  • To ensure that Government increases the number of Indian officers in critical agencies (social welfare, police, education, youth department, labour department) and in densely populated districts or local authorities.
  • To secure business licenses and permits including taxis, buses and petrol stations

Addressing The Poor & Low Income Families In Urban & Rural Areas

  • In cooperation with the Ministry of Housing & Local Government and the Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development to develop a data base on urban poor families and single mothers.
  • To ensure urban poor families and single mothers are able to access services and facilities such as housing, education, welfare and income generation programmes.
  • To identify and assist individuals and families who do not have birth certificates and identification cards

Increased Opportunities In Higher Education

  • To negotiate with the Ministry of Higher Education for the provision of more opportunities for Indians in public universities by increasing the intake from the current 6.2% (2,667 places) to 7.5% (3,300 places).
  • To ensure Indians are able to secure more places in critical courses.
  • To secure at least 10% admissions in government run matriculation colleges.
  • To ensure more qualified Indian students secure full scholarships to study overseas.

Increased Opportunities For Skills Training

  • To secure skills training opportunities for at least 5,000 to 7,000 Indian youths through publicly funded institutions such as Giat Mara, Industrial Training Institute (ILP), Youth Training Institute (IKBN) and other State government institutions.
  • To enable these youths to secure employment in industries or empower them to start their own micro businesses.
  • To assist at least 1,000 trainees to establish micro businesses through business training and assistance of micro credit through a revolving micro credit fund.
  • MIC has secured RM3 million but we target to enlarge this to RM10 million, which will be operated by Yayasan Tekun.

Enhance Performance In Secondary Schools

  • To facilitate a consultative process with the Ministry of Education and relevant voluntary organisations to review the quality of teaching and learning experience in Remove classes with the view of improving the academic achievements.
  • To ensure the overall educational performance of academically weak Indian youths through additional remedial classes or provision of tuition vouchers.
  • To organise with the assistance of the Ministry of Education and voluntary organisations, counselling and motivation services to address social problems among the students

Ensure The Development Of Tamil Schools

  • To request the Ministry of Education to establish pre school classes in 100 Tamil schools.
  • To address the infrastructure requirements of 120 Tamil schools either through rebuilding, repairing or provision of additional facilities .
  • To seek the change in the status of 90 partially aided Tamil schools with more than 200 students to fully aided schools.
  • To negotiate with the Minister of Education the transfer of licenses of under enrolled schools to new townships.
  • To improve the quality of teaching and learning experience by ensuring there is an overall increase in passes of students at the UPSR by 15 per cent from the current 60 per cent to 75 per cent.

AN AGENDA FOR ACTION (2008 - 2012)

An Agenda For Action

To Address

Socio-economic Disadvantage Of Malaysian Indians


MIC will work through the BN government to ensure there are clear provisions, programmes and targets established within the next five years.
The aspects covered here are a comprehensive set of measures specifically addressing the concerns of the bottom 30% of the Indian community.


MIC recognizes that there are many unresolved socio economic grievances among a section of Indians in Malaysia. This section has been identified as the bottom 30 per cent who are low income families and who are living in urban poor neighborhoods.
A majority were plantation workers who migrated to urban areas in search of employment due to their displacement from plantation economy.
MIC acknowledges that a more targeted and comprehensive social development approach must be adopted as a national agenda by the Federal and State governments alongside with Malays and Chinese urban poor and low income families to undo this disadvantageous position.
MIC will provide effective leadership and be a strong voice within government to ensure Malaysian Indians are able to access the services and provisions of the government


MIC elected representatives in Federal and State government will ensure that the relevant government agencies and departments are more inclusive and provide access into the various social, educational and economic development programmes.
MIC will make effective representation in the Mid Term Review of the Ninth Malaysia Plan before it is tabled in Parliament on June 24, 2008 ensuring there are specific inclusions for the Indian community alongside with other low income and disadvantaged families and communities.
MIC established and funded institutions such as Maju Institute for Educational Development (MIED), AIMST University, TAFE College, Yayasan Pemulihan Sosial and Yayasan Strategik Sosial (YSS) will complement public sector provisions in addressing educational, economic, social and welfare needs of the Indian community.
MIC will foster a strong network and partnership between business, social, cultural and religious voluntary organizations in addressing community concerns and issues.